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Move Pack

Terms and Conditions


"Anybody" - any person or people; anyone

“Anybody.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.

Please note: In these terms and conditions "anybody" does not refer to any specific person

"Anyone" - any person at all

“Anyone.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.

Please note: In these terms and conditions "anyone" does not refer to any specific person

"Me" - Steven Pearce the author of these Terms and Conditions and sole owner of all domains and websites covered by these Terms and Conditions.


       This domain and content stored or accessed through it is owned and operated by Steven Pearce. This sets forth the terms and conditions under which you may use or not use websites, domains, ideas, and services offered or owned by me.  By accessing or using any website or domain of mine, you agree that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and these conditions.

     I reserve the right to change prices for products and services at any time, and to correct pricing errors after a purchase is made. 

     I may, without prior notice, change, limit, or stop providing any service.

     I cannot be held responsible for any work, or service performed by someone else, or by someone using something owned by me, or previously owned by someone else.

     I am entitled to compensation made by use of any domain, website, idea or content stored on or access that would not have been possible without such website, domain, idea, or content.

     No person or company may access or change any website or domain, nor may they be used to conduct business whether they receive any compensation or not unless authorized by me(contact me for a list of authorized people)

      No person or entity shall register or use as a subdomain any domain that includes the name of a domain owned by me, nor shall they register any domain or business entity that infers being owned or operated by me.​

    Refunds for original purchase price will be refunded from where it was originally purchased if we have not started to move belongings. If we have started to move belongings refunds will be given at purchase price minus hours worked (hourly rate is rate agreed upon for service or $80.00 per hour).

     This is all subject to change without notice or liability, please check back for updates. 

      Breech of anything in this contract, whether it is specifically stated or implied does not void or make anything else unenforceable, nor does it cancel this contract, no matter if it is stated in these terms and conditions or implied.

Just because I did something... doesn't mean I have to allow you to do it